(Also claimed by H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam of UNOITC)
Historical backgrounder:
The old records of the Royal Crown of England read that Queen Victoria was born on May 24, 1819 in Kensington Palace to Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. Interesting reading from the records: “The Duchess of Kent, Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, was a German princess whose brother Leopold was the widower of Princess Charlotte of Wales. Until 1819 Charlotte was the only legitimate grandchild of George III. Her death in 1817 precipitated a succession crisis in the United Kingdom that brought pressure on the Duke of Kent to marry and have children. He married the Duchess in 1818, and their only child, Victoria, was born at 4.15 am on 24 May 1819 at Kensington Palace in London.” (End of quote)
According to unconfirmed tell-tale stories young and pregnant Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld was on a hurried journey from her home in Southern Germany to have her child delivered in time on English soil so that her child could compete in the race for King or Queen of England. According to those tales, she gave birth too early, on a Dutch boat coming from the French coast, to a baby girl. Safely on English soil, there was a twin brother coming out. They had to realize that there was something wrong with the boy. They decided to make the records without the boy. The girl was thus born on English soil and grew up to become Queen of England as a teenager (for 63 years) while the boy was held incognito.

The boy turned man on the island of Borneo, became part of the North Borneo Company which had made a 100-year lease (1868-1968) from the Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo (now Sabah, Malaysia), and became Prince Julian Mcleod Tallano, the legal owner of the Philippines through OCT No. 01-4 which followed the 1764 Royal Protocol No. 01-4 Crown of England adjudicating the Hacienda Filipinas consisting of 7,148 islands to the Royal Family of the Tagean-Tallano-Kiram clan. Prince Julian Mcleod Tallano became the head of the Royal Family of the Philippines which was subjugated by the Spanish colonizers and the almighty Roman Catholic Church. He decided to do something. Being of Muslim origin and place, they had to enter the northern catholic side of the Philippines.
Secretly, a new-born son of Prince Julian Mcleod was placed in a basket and found, 1861, outside the house of the Mercado Family of Calamba, Laguna. The boy genius grew up as Jose Protacio Mercado (JPM) before he called himself Rex al or Rizal (JPR) or King of Kings. Money was arranged to give him the highest education possible which he got in Madrid, Paris, and Heidelberg. He made his doctor there in German language as an eye doctor. The nephew of Queen Victoria, he operated successfully on the eyes of kings and emperors, spending extended time in Vienna with Emperor Franz-Josef of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and in Tokyo with the Tenno which should have dire consequences for the world later.

Operating out of the Vatican where he was known as Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz, or secretly the black pope, he became Papal Nuncio (Ambassador of good will of the Vatican) and travelled the world maybe more than anybody else at the time speaking in 10 languages. When the kings and emperors needed a trusted person to take care of all their secret treasures after WW I, Jose Antonio Diaz (JAD) of the Vatican was the given choice, secrecy being essential to the whole plan for JPR-JAD, to become the most important and most secret person of the 20ieth century.

Operating out of the Vatican where he was known as Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz, or secretly the black pope, he became Papal Nuncio (Ambassador of good will of the Vatican) and travelled the world maybe more than anybody else at the time speaking in 10 languages. When the kings and emperors needed a trusted person to take care of all their secret treasures after WW I, Jose Antonio Diaz (JAD) of the Vatican was the given choice, secrecy being essential to the whole plan for JPR-JAD, to become the most important and most secret person of the 20ieth century.
And secrecy is the name of the game until today. The structure of this world and its gargantuan wealth is built on this secrecy which was manifested, after WW II with the secret deposit of 400,000 Metric Tons of gold in 1949 in the Central Bank of the Philippines plus another 217,500MT deposited in banks of the world all under a secret code name Tiburcio Villamor Marcos or TVM-LSM-666, the 400,000MT deposited for 50 years plus 5 years to terminate all claims of ownership of former owners. That secret agreement was signed on August 11, 1950 by US Presidents Harry S. Truman and his successor as US President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Tse Tung, Tschu Enlai, and Generalissimo Franco of Spain among others. JPR-JAD signed as Trust Depositor, young Ferdinand Marcos (33 years old then) signed as “Legal Counsel for TVM-LSM-666”.
Controlling institution for that giant undertaking was and is until today the Bank for International Settlement in Basel, Switzerland, the de-facto secret central bank of all central banks in the world, controlling also the Federal Reserve System of America, Bank of England, World Bank, IMF, and ECB.
Trust account C-1-C-2-C-19-C-21 was opened for TVM-LSM-666, special code name Jose Bautista Cruzen, in Barclays Bank in London for payment of the returned Philippine Victory Money. In reality it was JPR-JAD signing as Jose Bautista Cruzen in the bank and in the US Treasury for the money of the Philippines which was originally printed as “Commonwealth of the Philippines Peso” in 1934/1936 in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving in Washington D.C. becoming Philippine Victory Notes in exchange of 2 Pesos for one dollar (and -unnoticed- giving the US Treasury financial and monetary control over their former colony). 17,000MT of gold were deposited by JPR-JAD in Barclays Bank Singapore as guarantee for the money which was demonetized in 1967 when the Philippines had a remarkable new President Ferdinand Marcos who was also, wonder of all wonders, the Legal Counsel of JPR-JAD code name TVM-LSM-666. He was witness when JPR-JAD transferred ownership over all his assets, properties, and belongings to his chosen successor-in-interest-and-rights “Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia” (Marcos).
When “the old man” (JAD) died 1974, President Ferdinand Marcos became the Legal Counsel of the successor-in-interest-and-rights and new owner TVM-TVTM-LSM-666, Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia, who would have to wait for maturity in the year 2005. Principally sitting on the wealth of the world, a genius Ferdinand Marcos was able to preserve everything and even create a new fortune on the side which is preserved as the back-up of managerial currencies. That would include the almighty dollar that has no other backing than C-1-C-2-C-19-C-21 or the World Bank umbrella account No. 010-22-74-OA assigned to Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia in the amount of $500 Trillion.It is understandable that some leaders of the world did not like Marcos and his sheer unlimited power. They “froze” everything after he had made secret advances to China and Russia. The rest is history. The name of Marcos is destroyed and the world keeps limping from one financial crisis to the next financial crisis, for lack of and want of a clean solution. As it stands, the top institutions of the world know where the gold and where the cash is deep and safe in trust deposits with the leading banks and central banks of the world. “Only TVM-TVTM-LSM-666 can move, remove, or transfer the assets.” That is written all over the faces of the top officials in the deciding institutions of the world. Sec. Tim Geithner who was assigned by the IMF for many years to Manila, he knows. God knows what stops him.
– New Year 2013 –
Reviewed September 18, 2013 by WS Representing TVM-LSM-666

Βασίλειος Σωτήρας
TVM-LSM-666 contains 1,715,000 metric tonnes of gold in 172 banks in 49 countries.